Dr. Jonathan A. Bregman


Past Events

03 May

Mastering the Doctor/Hygiene Connection- May 3, 2019 - Queens County Dental Society, Jamaica, NY

May 03, 2019    
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Mastering the Doctor/Hygiene Connection. For more details click this link to the Queens County Dental Society website: http://qcds.org/events/mastering-the-doctor-hygiene-connection/   Click here for Directions to Program [...]
22 Sep

Lecture: Effectively Treating the Dry Mouth Patient: Who, Why, How - Worlds Fair of Dentistry- September 22, 2019

September 22, 2019    
All Day
12 Oct

Enhanced Oral Cancer Detection Hands On Experience- Florida AGD- Oct 12, 2019

October 12, 2019    
All Day
Morning Lecture and afternoon Hands-On Experience Download Bregman Seminar Flyer
17 Oct

Office observation and Program: Desert Hills Dental- October 17 and 18, 2019

October 17, 2019 - October 18, 2019    
All Day
08 Feb

Reduce Risks, Save Lives and Grow Your Practice - GA Dental Hygienists Association- February 8, 2020

February 08, 2020    
8:30 am - 11:30 am
3 hour Program:  Reduce Risks, Save Lives and Grow Your Practice Click this link to Register today!
17 Jul

July 17, 2021    
All Day
Dr. Bregman is presenting at the Georgia Dental Hygienists' Association - July 17, 2021- Northwest of Atlanta Symposium
18 Sep

New Patient to Long Term Patient in 4 Steps to Success in the 21st Century

September 18, 2021    
8:00 am - 11:00 am
92nd  Georgia Dental Hygienists' Association Annual Session
1 2 3 4 5

Dr. Jonathan Bregman is an awesome instructor, meeting the needs of all learning types. He is extremely knowledgeable of the material and great information was given.

Theresa H.


Dr. Bregman’s lecture was very informative and he is a very enthusiastic speaker. He keeps you involved and part of the lecture. An excellent experience.

Sonia Turki

Raina, Dentist, Florida

Wonderful learning experience. Fabulous fund of knowledge. Very practical techniques. Helps save lives. I highly recommend his course.

Vivek Gandotra

Dentist, Nevada

Absolutely an eye-­opening seminar. Kept my attention the whole time!

Brittany Bonds

Dental Assistant, Michigan

You must take Dr. Bregman’s course! I was very impressed with the amount information in Dr. Bregman’s lecture and I’m excited about informing my patients about early oral cancer detection and confident in being able to effectively screen each and every one of my patients.

Chrisine Skolyak

Dental Hygienist, Georgia

Dr. Bregman teaches with passion. He wants us to improve the quality of care for our patients and ultimately society. It was easy to learn because he makes it relevant. Great communication skills, clear achievement of goals.

Hope T.


Wonderful learning experience. Fabulous fund of knowledge. Very practical techniques. Helps save lives. Highly recommended.

Vivek Gandotra

Dentist, Nevada

What can I say but EXCELLENT! I look forward to implementing the concepts that I learned. Brought me back to focus right where it should be: excellent patient care!

Jake L.


Dr. Bregman’s seminars are full of valuable information. He teaches with passion and integrity. Anyone attending his courses is sure to come away with valuable tools, increased knowledge and renewed passion for dentistry.

Lois Banta

Speaker/Consultant, Missouri

Dr. Bregman is an extremely knowledgeable and experienced speaker and coach who delivers a great message with powerful passion. Through a unique perspective, wonderful humor and his own clinical cases, he lets us clearly know that the future of dentistry is right here and right now.

David M. Reznik, DDS

Speaker and Consultant, Georgia

Dr. Bregman is passionate about early oral cancer detection. The educational skills he brought to the lecture helped ensure on-­‐site learning. Bravo.

Joe Calderone

Dentist, Florida

Passionate and inspiring. Dr. Bregman’s experience comes across clearly to a broad audience, making him an accessible and valuable trainer.

Robert McDowall

Anesthesiologist, New York

Two thumbs up for an outstanding presentation; lots of info to use in my practice, presented with vitality and energy to keep me engaged.

Gary C.


Dr. Bregman is an extremely knowledgeable and experienced speaker who delivers a great dental message with powerful passion. Through a unique perspective, wonderful humor and his own clinical cases, he lets us clearly know that the future of dentistry is right here and right now.

David M. Reznik, DDS

Speaker and Consultant

I cannot imagine why dentists do not take advantage of things technology has brought to us. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your next presentation at Midwinter

Ted Borris, DDS

Director of Scientific Programs, Chicago Dental Society

Georgia Passionate and inspiring. Dr. Bregman’s experience comes across clearly to a broad audience, making him an accessible and valuable speaker.

Robert McDowall

Anesthesiologist, New York

This course was great! I stayed focused and learned a lot. Dr. Bregman’s passion makes me want to incorporate what I learned into my practice and into my life.

Dawn Dameron

Office manager, Michigan

Copyright © 2025. Jonathan A. Bregman, DDS, FAGD, CAFL
202 Culp Hill Drive · Chapel Hill, NC 27517

Website design by Lena Shore.